Thursday, June 23, 2016

Scariest ghost legend around the World

Scariest ghost legend around the World
 Urban legend is a mysterious story that does not know its origin, but spread quickly in the community. Legend has it usually contains lots of folklore that is very close to people's lives. In fact, most of the urban legend is told dramatically, as if it is a story that did happen and real. Well, here are ten creepy urban legend from around the world

 10 Legenda paling MENYERAMKAN di seluruh Dunia
1. Si Manis Jembatan Ancol

Who does not know the gatekeepers Si Manis Jembatan Ancol. Urban legend originating from Jakarta it has been famous to outside Java. Even so famous, this ghost story was appointed to the screen and into the hype in the 90s. There are various versions which tells the story of the murder of Si Manis Jembatan Ancol which was formerly known as the rocking bridge. One version tells that Fluffy died raped and dumped into the river. Another story illustrates that the Si Manis which reportedly named Siti Ariah was killed by thugs shipment Tambahsia Oey, a well-known figure at the time. Until now, the story of the appearance of a beautiful girl on the bridge is still widely heard.
 2. Hantu perobek mulut

There is a legend in Japan and China, which tells the story of a girl named Kuchisake-Onna. Some people say that she is the wife of a samurai. One day, he had an affair with a younger man and more handsome. When her husband came home, he found his wife's betrayal. Because of anger, he took his sword and tore her mouth from the right ear to the left ear. Some say that she was cursed to never die, and until now they wander the world.
 3. White Death

This is the story of a little girl in Scotland who hates his own life and eventually decided to commit suicide, and shortly afterward her family know what he had done. The chilling story began when all the family members found dead a few days later with a lacerated leg. Anyone who studies White Death will deal with the ghost of the girl. He will come to find you and knock on your door with a bang. When you open the door, he'll kill you for fear you announce its existence to others.
 4. Elisa Day

In medieval Europe, there lived a young woman named Elisa Day, the beauty of his face was described as a rose is beautiful. One day, a young man came to town and fell in love with Elisa. They then go out for three days. On the first day, he was visiting the house of Elisha. The second day, he brought Elisa red rose and asked her to meet him where the wild roses grow. On the third day, he brought Elisa into the river where he then killed him. The man was killed Elisa with rock slammed into the girl's head and whispered: "All beauty must die". Some people claim to have seen Elisa ghost wandering in the river, visible blood running down the side of his head while holding a rose in his hand
 5. Bloody Mary

Urban legend tells that anyone who utters the word Bloody Mary three times in front of the mirror will summon a vengeful spirit. It is an old legend, but no one knows about the origins of the legend of Bloody Mary. There are many versions which tells the story of a vengeful spirit who in the story of Bloody Mary, which reportedly is a wantia killed for practicing witchcraft.
 6. Ba jiao gui

Ba jiao gui literally translated as a ghost bananas. Ghost of a woman who lived in this banana tree will appear sembarai wail at night, sometimes while carrying a baby. In some folklore from Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore, people like to ask the lottery numbers of ghosts in the hope of winning the lottery. They will tie a red thread around the trunk of the tree and stick a needle in it and then tie the rope to the end of their bed. At night, Ba jiao gui will appear and plead with the men to release him, and in return, he would give the lottery numbers. If the person does not fulfill his promise to free up the ghost after a win, he will meet a horrible death. This ghost is often likened to Pontianak, a ghost in Malay folklore.
 7. Wila

In mythology Poland, Wila is the spirit of a woman who often appears in the form of a beautiful girl, sometimes naked or wearing a white dress sparkling, green skirt and a blue cape. It is said that if a hair Wila revoked, he will die, or changes to the original form. Wila also described as having power over the wind and can create strong storms. They usually live in the surrounding hills, mountains, and the high mound.
8. Chupacabra

 Chupacabra or chupacabras is a legendary creature rumored to inhabit the American continent. It is associated with sightings of unknown animal in Puerto Rico (where these sightings were first reported), Mexico, and the United States. The name is taken from the creature reported habit happy attacking and drinking the blood of livestock, especially goats. Reports of chupacabra sightings are often overlooked because of lack of evidence. Biologists and wildlife officials consider the chupacabra is just a legend that spread in the community and unsubstantiated.
 9. Aka Manto

 Aka Manto is a famous urban legend that tells of the Japanese figure of evil spirits that haunt the school toilet. That spirit will be asked whether the man was asked wipes red or blue. In some versions, Aka Manto told often ask if someone wants to red or blue robe. Often described as a handsome man who constantly hounded by his admirers, Aka Manto like to wear a mask to hide his face. When someone is sitting on the toilet, the mysterious sound will appear and ask if the person wants to red or blue tissue. If the person answering the red tissue, he will be sliced apart until the red colored clothes. If the person chose blue tissue, he will be strangled until his face turned blue. Any attempt to circumvent Aka Manto by asking different colors will cause a person to be dragged into the afterlife. The only right answer is to say no Kleenex.
 10. Penumpang misterius

 This urban legend is very popular in the west. It is said that anyone who was traveling alone at night and found a woman who asked for a ride to experience strange events that creepy. She would ask to go to her house just a few miles from the location he stop the car. Arriving at their destination, the driver will be turned to the back seat to say that they had reached their destination. Surprisingly, foreign passengers had been missing from his chair.

see also: sports news in the world
strange-strange world
a collection of the best films
analysis of chemical explanation
                    collection of world culture


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